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  • Onboarding
  • ZapScale vs Others
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  • Integration
  • Tech & Security
  • Product Roadmap

Customer success is all about helping customers achieve their desired outcomes while utilizing your SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solution. It's like working together with them to make sure they're happy and are able to extract value for the product.

Customer Success Platforms (CSPs) play a vital role in facilitating this process by aggregating data from various customer touchpoints, including:

  1. Product Engagement
  2. Logged tickets and issues
  3. Feature requests
  4. Emails and chats
  5. Billing and invoice payments
  6. CRM data

By analyzing data from these sources, the CS team gains visibility and insights into the overall health of customers and can address key questions such as:

  1. Which customers exhibit poor health?
  2. Which customers pose significant churn threats?
  3. Which customers have potential for upselling?
  4. Which customers experience challenges with product adoption?

The primary objective of a CS Platform is to equip the CS team with valuable data on customer adoption, churn threat, upsell opportunities, and overall customer health. This empowers the CS team to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to drive customer success and contribute towards business growth.

Yes, we know how important is to sell things internally. Don’t worry, we got you covered here.

If you need any help in crafting the pitch for your internal teams - reach out to us at or set up a time with us here. We will be happy to help you.

The top most best practice of Customer Success is staying up-to-date on customer health and customer data on a daily basis. If you do not see the data everyday, you lose context and you lose the strong grip on your customers.

For CSMs:

  1. Open ZapScale: Start your day by accessing ZapScale to view the health of your customers and users.
  2. Identify areas for improvement: Analyze data in ZapScale to identify customers/users with low product usage, ticketing issues, feature request challenges, billing and invoicing concerns, and communication gaps.
  3. Perform analysis: Conduct root cause analysis and trend analysis to gain insights and develop corrective actions.
  4. Utilize ZapBook: Explore ZapBook, which consolidates all the necessary tasks and actions for CSMs, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
  5. Review success plans: Assess the progress of success plans executed with customers and take appropriate actions based on the outcomes.

For CS Heads/Directors/CXOs:

  1. Start from the Dashboard: Begin by accessing the Dashboard in ZapScale to view macro trends such as NRR, GRR, Churn, ARR, and overall customer and user health.
  2. Dive into details: Drill down into specific details to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business's performance.
  3. Review Success Plan objectives: Assess the achievement scores of Success Plans and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Collaborate with other departments: Engage with colleagues and departments like support, product, finance, and sales to review accounts and address any necessary actions.
  5. Monitor team performance: Evaluate the performance of CS team members using ZapScale to identify individuals who may require special attention or additional training.

Remember, staying proactive and leveraging ZapScale's insights and features are essential for successful Customer Success management.

Getting started with ZapScale is a breeze. In fact, it usually takes just 1-3 days to get onboarded onto ZapScale. Here's an overview of the typical steps involved:

  1. Integrate your SaaS product data with ZapScale.
  2. Integrate your CRM system for seamless data synchronization.
  3. Integrate your ticketing application to centralize customer support.
  4. Integrate your feature request management application for efficient tracking and prioritization.
  5. Integrate your subscription and billing application to streamline revenue management.
  6. Integrate your email and other communication applications for comprehensive customer engagement.

These integrations are designed to be plug and play, requiring minimal effort and time investment. ZapScale is compatible with a wide range of popular applications, ensuring smooth and hassle-free integration. Here is the link to the current and feature Integrations.

Get in touch with ZapScale team. There is a dedicated team of experienced professionals to help you onboard. They are available for you 24X7.

To ensure seamless integration, we require access tokens (API Keys) for your CRM, ticketing app, feature request app, billing and subscription app, and email app. This integration process typically takes around 10-15 minutes per application and can be completed by the application administrators. (If needed we can be on a call with you to guide your team).

Additionally, we will need to integrate with your SaaS product front end. This can be done swiftly by a UI developer who can easily copy-paste two lines of Javascript. This step usually takes approximately 30 minutes. (Our tech will be available on call if needed).

Once these integrations are in place, our onboarding team will collaborate with your CS head or Customer Success Manager (CSM) to expedite the remaining process, which can be completed in less than a day. Tbh we can move as fast as you can.

Once you successfully integrate all your apps and products, ZapScale's pre-built health KPIs provide comprehensive visibility into your customers right from day one. On the very first day, you'll have instant access to a wealth of data, including:

  1. Product Usage Health: Get insights into each customer's and user's product usage, such as time spent, pages visited, and features utilized.
  2. Ticketing Performance: Evaluate each customer's ticketing performance, including the number of logged tickets, resolved tickets, and high-priority tickets.
  3. Feature Request Performance: Track each customer's feature request performance, including the number of logged features and resolved requests.
  4. Invoice Payment Performance: Monitor each customer's invoice payment performance, including the number of invoices paid, outstanding payments, and late payments.
  5. Invoice Communication Performance: Analyze each customer's invoice communication performance, including the number of emails or communication threads sent or replied to, and identify any communication gaps.
  6. Upsell Possibility: Assess each customer's potential for upselling based on factors such as subscription utilization, growth trends, and satisfaction of decision-makers. But ideally you can see meaningful upsell possibility after some days.
  7. Churn Probability: Determine each customer's likelihood of churn, enabling proactive retention strategies. But ideally you can see meaningful upsell possibility after some days.

These are just a few examples of the valuable insights you can expect from ZapScale's pre-built health KPIs. With our platform, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers' behavior, allowing you to make informed decisions to drive customer success and deliver business growth.

Onboarding into a Customer Success platform is supposed to be a painful affair. First, the CSMs have to integrate the product, the CRM, the ticketing app, the feature request app, the billing and subscription app, the email and comms app.

After integrating the apps, the Customer Success Manager (CSM) must then manually map all the customers across each app, which can be a time-consuming task. For example, you might have a customer named "Bank of America" in your CRM and "BoA" in your ticketing app. Once the mapping is complete, the CSM needs to create health Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using data from the integrated sources.

Furthermore, the CSM is responsible for developing playbooks for various common Customer Success operation scenarios and creating success plans to drive further CS operations. This extensive workload often results in onboarding processes for CS tools taking weeks or even months, sometimes lasting as long as six months.

However, with ZapScale, the onboarding experience is streamlined and can be completed in just one day. Here's how we make it possible:

  1. Simplified Integrations: ZapScale's integrations are designed to be straightforward. You only need to provide the API keys for your various apps, and ZapScale takes care of the integration process. This eliminates the need for complex setup procedures and reduces integration time to as little as 30 minutes to an hour.
  2. Automatic Customer Mapping: Once the apps are integrated, ZapScale automatically maps customers across different applications. Using built-in matchers like ID, unique ID, email, name, domain, location, and mobile number, ZapScale identifies common matching values. This ensures that customers with different representations, such as "Bank of America" in your CRM and "BoA" in your ticketing app, are correctly linked together. The mapping process is seamless and makes it incredibly easy for you.
  3. Pre-built Health KPIs: ZapScale comes equipped with 40 pre-built health check Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs source data from your integrated product, CRM, ticketing app, feature request app, billing and subscription app, and email and comms app. Once the data sources are integrated, ZapScale instantly provides customer and user-level health insights. There's no additional setup time required to start leveraging this valuable information.
  4. Pre-built Playbooks and Success Plans: To accelerate your Customer Success operations, ZapScale includes 60 pre-built playbooks for addressing common CS issues and 5 pre-built success plans. These resources are readily available to you, requiring no effort or time investment to get started without having to start from scratch.

ZapScale's pre-built functionalities and streamlined onboarding process make it the fastest Customer Success tool available. You can begin deriving value and insights from day one, without the lengthy setup typically associated with other platforms. Discover the immediate impact you can experience with ZapScale by clicking here.

ZapScale is known for its simplicity. It is the easiest customer success platform in the market and there are eight compelling reasons why it stands out:

  1. Seamless Integration: With ZapScale, integrating your apps is a breeze. Our intuitive integration wizard automatically pulls the necessary data from your chosen apps, eliminating the need for specialized consultants or additional time and expenses.
  2. Effortless Health Setup: Setting up customer health monitoring is effortless with ZapScale's 40 pre-built health Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). By integrating data from your product, CRM, ticketing app, feature request management app, billing and invoicing app, and email and communication app, you can start monitoring customer health within just one day, sparing you weeks or months of setup time.
  3. Predictions Made Easy: ZapScale's AI capabilities provide churn and upsell predictions from day one, empowering you with valuable insights.
  4. Comprehensive User Visibility: ZapScale not only provides visibility into each of your customers but also into each of your users. This comprehensive view sets us apart from other customer success platforms.
  5. Free Concierge Service: Enjoy the benefits of ZapScale's free concierge service, where our dedicated onboarding team will guide you through the onboarding process within one day. They will continue to assist you for six weeks, ensuring you maximize the platform's potential.
  6. Pre-built Success Plans and Playbooks: Unlike other CS tools in the the market, ZapScale simplifies CS operations with 50 pre-built CS Ops playbooks and customizable success plans. These resources can be used as is or easily tailored to meet your specific needs.
  7. User-Friendly Interface: ZapScale takes pride in its exceptional user-friendliness. Our platform is thoughtfully designed to make your job as simple as possible.
  8. No Additional User Charges: Unlike other platforms, ZapScale does not impose additional costs for users within your organization. Enjoy unlimited user access without any hidden charges.

Discover the ease and efficiency of ZapScale for yourself, and revolutionize your customer success operations.

If you want to understand it further please feel free to set up a call with us. Here is link to our calendar.

Salesforce and Hubspot are popular CRM tools primarily used for sales and marketing purposes. However, when it comes to managing customer success and customer health, ZapScale is the go-to Customer Success platform. By integrating with various data sources, ZapScale provides your CS team with comprehensive visibility into the health of your customers and users.

While Salesforce and Hubspot excel at managing sales funnels and cycles, ZapScale specializes in customer success management. In fact, ZapScale seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, and more. So, if you want to bring data into ZapScale from these platforms - no worries - you surely can do that.

If you want to check out more on the difference between a CRM and CSP click on the link.

While Mixpanel, Pendo, Amplitude, and other product analytics tools are excellent for the product management team to analyze user behavior, perform A/B testing, and improve the product, their focus is on enhancing the product itself. Use these tools for these purposes and they will be rewarding. The goal for them is to make the product better.

In contrast, the objective of Customer Success is to empower customers and drive their success. To make your customers better. The CS team needs to understand how each customer is utilizing product features, their time spent on the product, and the pages they visit. It is essential to compare these metrics across similar customer segments to identify any areas of improvement. Additionally, monitoring customer and user workflows and comparing them within their respective segments is crucial. Most importantly, CS teams need full control over these insights and the ability to make adjustments without relying on the product team.

This is where ZapScale comes into play. ZapScale enables the CS team to gain complete visibility and understanding of product adoption across customers and users within specific segments. It empowers the CS team to be self-sufficient, providing them with the necessary tools to assess customer and user performance, identify areas of improvement, and take action without relying on the product team's involvement.

If you want to check out more on the difference between a product analytics tool and CSP click on the link.

ZapScale doesn’t charge you for the number of users from your organization. So, you are welcome to bring in as many users from your organization as you want. We know, it takes a village to do customer success - so go for it.

ZapScale’s pricing depends on the number of customers and users that you want to track. So, we grow as you grow.

See ZapScale’s pricing page here. There are no hidden charges, what you see is what you pay.

If you want to understand it further please feel free to set up a call with us. Here is link to our calendar.

Yes. You can sign-up for a 1 month free usage. There are no restrictions and no limits. So, feel free to use it for a month. We will even support you with our concierge service to get you set up for free. Go for it. Sign up here.

With ZapScale you can easily expect to reduce your churn by 1% and improve your upsells by 1%.

Assuming you are running at an ARR of $1 million and growing your business by 100% YoY, you will add an extra $20,000 in the 1st year. $40,000 in the 2nd year and $80,000 in the 3rd year. So, the ROI is pretty fast.

As a SaaS product owner, understanding how your customers and users adopt your product's features is crucial. You want to know how they derive value from these features.

Features are often triggered by on-screen buttons, links, or other actions. These triggers are referred to as events. ZapScale offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that allows you to easily tag features (events) directly on your product's UI. To track a specific feature (event), simply drop a pin on your product UI using ZapScale. It's a quick and straightforward process.

ZapScale provides comprehensive visibility into feature adoption. You can see how each customer and user is adopting your features on any chosen timeline, be it days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.

Try it - it is super smooth and super simple! and helps in accelerating product adoption.

If you want to look at it live, you can set up a demo call for 30 mins and someone from our team would love to show you how it works. Here is link to our demo.

The life of a Customer Success Manager (CSM) is filled with challenges such as inactive customers/users, product usage issues, poor ticketing experiences, feature requests, communication gaps, late or partial invoice payments, upcoming renewals or quarterly business reviews (QBRs), upsell opportunities, and potential churn threats. ZapScale understands these common scenarios and offers a solution to address them effectively.

With ZapScale, CSMs benefit from ready-made checks that alert them to these common scenarios, ensuring they never miss any significant customer/user issues. What's even better is that ZapScale provides pre-built solution approaches for each scenario, guiding CSMs on the appropriate actions to take.

These pre-built scenarios and solutions are called playbooks. ZapScale offers over 50 pre-built playbooks that CSMs can utilize in their daily operations, making their workflow predictable and automated. These playbooks serve as a guidebook for CSMs to follow when encountering common scenarios. With ZapScale playbooks you can also standardize your customer engagement across CSMs and customers.

By leveraging ZapScale's pre-built playbooks, CSMs can save months of effort that would otherwise be spent configuring these scenarios manually. Additionally, you have the flexibility to create your own playbooks or modify the existing ones to align with your specific needs. ZapScale empowers you to make your Customer Success operations scalable and repeatable through the use of playbooks.

Here is a link showcasing different playbooks. If you want to deep dive into the playbooks, we would be more than happen to take you through it. Here is a link to our calendar.

In Customer Success, it is crucial to plan and guide customers towards achieving their business goals with your product and services. Success plans play a vital role in this process by outlining the steps and actions required for customers to successfully reach their objectives.

A success plan starts with a grand customer goal, which is then broken down into milestones. For example, if the goal is to complete product training in 7 days, you would create 7 milestones corresponding to each day of training. Under each milestone, specific tasks and actions are defined. CSMs follow these milestones, complete the assigned tasks, and provide reports to track the customer's progress towards meeting the success plan.

By running multiple iterations of success plans, you can analyze the overall success percentage and make necessary improvements to enhance their effectiveness. This iterative process allows you to continuously refine the success plans and optimize them for better outcomes.

ZapScale offers 5 pre-built success plans as a starting point. These plans can be customized and expanded to align with your use case. The intention behind these pre-built plans is to make your Customer Success operations efficient, scalable and repeatable.

ZapScale offers a unique pricing structure that doesn't charge based on the number of users from your organization. This means you can freely invite as many users as you need. But who should you invite? We recommend bringing in the entire Customer Success (CS) team, along with your account executives and CXOs. Additionally, it's beneficial to involve the heads of support, sales, product management, finance, marketing, and training. Including these department heads fosters a culture of true customer awareness across the organization.

Let's consider a scenario where ZapScale detects an issue with a high-value customer who is 30 days away from renewal and is facing challenges due to an influx of support tickets. With the head of support and product on ZapScale, they can immediately identify the issue and its significance as a high-value customer approaching renewal. This additional context empowers them to collaborate effectively with account executives and CSMs in addressing the problem.

Moreover, ZapScale's playbooks automatically notify the relevant department heads about potential issues related to their respective areas. This fosters a collaborative hive approach in resolving customer issues, ensuring everyone is involved in achieving true customer success. By leveraging the collective expertise and insights of various departments, your organization can proactively address challenges and provide exceptional customer experiences.

ZapScale helps you become a customer-first organisation.

ZapScore (customer health score) is calculated as a weighted average of 7 KPI scores.

  1. Product Usage Score: Evaluates how customers are utilizing your product. Comprises 3 sub-KPIs.
  2. Ticketing Score: Assesses customer ticketing issues. Consists of 4 sub-KPIs.
  3. Feature Request Score: Measures the frequency of customer feature requests. Includes 2 sub-KPIs.
  4. Billing and Invoice Score: Determines the timeliness of customer payments. Includes 3 sub-KPIs.
  5. Email and Communication Score: Evaluates the quality of communication with customers. Comprises 2 sub-KPIs.
  6. Upsell Score: Indicates the likelihood of customers upselling. Consists of 4 sub-KPIs.
  7. CS Team Gutfeel Score: Represents the subjective assessment of the customer by the CS team. Includes 1 sub-KPI.

ZapScale categorises customers into health groups based on similarities such as their stage (trialling, onboarding, steadily using), product usage, and ACV. Default health groups are provided, but you can add or modify them to fit your specific criteria.

ZapScale computes scores for each KPI and assigns percentiles within the customer's health group. By default, the bottom 10th percentile is labeled as POOR, the middle 20th percentile as OK, and the top 70th percentile as GOOD health customers. Focusing on the POOR health customers is crucial for addressing KPI-related issues.

You have the flexibility to create and modify your own health groups and define your own rules.The 10-20-70 POOR-OK-GOOD classification can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. All these features are pre-built, saving you considerable time and effort compared to building them from scratch.

ZapScale computes KPI scores daily and aggregates them on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

If you want details of KPIs please click here or if you want to understand it deeper please feel free to set up a demo with our CEO, he would be more than happy to take you through it. Here is link to his calendar.

Product Usage Score:

The Product Usage score indicates how customers are utilizing your product. It is calculated by aggregating data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Time on Product Score:

    Measures the usage time and consistency of each user. ZapScale calculates the average product use time for each user and determines the standard deviation of this data to assess user consistency.

    Users with consistent daily usage (e.g., 50 minutes every day) receive a higher score than those with fluctuating usage (e.g., 0, 100, 10, 90, 20, 80 minutes). The Customer level score is the average of all users within a customer.

    ZapScale ranks customers within their respective health groups to provide a percentile score, reflecting their product usage level and consistency.

  2. Pages Visited Score:

    Assesses the number of page visits and consistency of each user. ZapScale calculates the average number of page visits for each user and determines the standard deviation of this data to assess user consistency.

    Users with consistent daily page visits receive a higher score than those with fluctuating visits. The Customer level score is the average of all users within a customer.

    ZapScale ranks customers within their health groups to provide a percentile score, indicating their page visit volume and consistency.

  3. Feature Use Score:

    Evaluates the percentage of product features used by each user. ZapScale calculates the feature use score based on the percentage of features utilized by a user.

    Users utilizing all product features receive a higher score than those using only a portion of the available features. The Customer level score is the average of all users within a customer.

    ZapScale ranks customers within their health groups to provide a percentile score, indicating the level of feature usage by their users.

The overall Product Usage Score for each user or customer is a weighted average of the individual scores. These scores are computed daily and aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. The rankings within the customer health groups provide insights into the customers' level of consistency and usage for page visits, time spent, and feature utilization.

These scores are pre-configured and require no additional setup. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences.

Ticketing Score:

The Ticketing Score provides insights into customer satisfaction with your ticketing performance. It is calculated by aggregating data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Ticket Log Score:

    Measures the volume of tickets logged by customers in relation to product usage. ZapScale examines the number of tickets per hour of product usage.

    A higher score indicates that customers are reporting fewer issues relative to their product usage hours. Customers who log one ticket for every hour of usage receive a lower score compared to those who log one ticket for every ten hours of usage.

    ZapScale ranks customers within their respective health groups based on this score.

  2. Ticket Resolution Score:

    Evaluates the percentage of resolved tickets for each customer. Customers are happier when a higher percentage of their logged tickets are resolved.

    The score considers the percentage of resolved tickets for each customer and ranks them within their health group.

    A customer with 75% of their tickets resolved receives a higher score than a customer with only 25% resolved tickets.

  3. Ticket Priority Score:

    Considers the contribution of P1 (highest priority) tickets to customer satisfaction. Customers with fewer P1 tickets logged are likely to be more satisfied with the solutions provided.

    The score assesses the percentage of resolved P1 tickets for each customer and ranks them within their health group.

    A customer with 10% P1 tickets logged receives a higher score compared to a customer with 50% P1 tickets logged.

  4. Percentage of Users Logging Tickets Score:

    Reflects the level of customer dissatisfaction based on the percentage of users who log tickets. Customers with a higher percentage of their user base logging tickets indicate widespread dissatisfaction.

    The score evaluates the percentage of users within a customer's base who logged tickets and ranks them within their health group.

    A customer with only 10% of users logging tickets receives a higher score compared to a customer with 100% of users logging tickets.

The Ticketing Score for each customer is a weighted average of these individual scores. Customers are then ranked within their health groups based on this score. The Ticketing Score provides an indication of how customers perceive your ticketing performance.

These scores are pre-configured and require no additional setup. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences. The scores are computed daily using a rolling 30-day data window (e.g., the score for May 1st reflects data from April 1st to April 30th) and aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

The Feature Request Score informs you about the satisfaction level of your customers with your product features and identifies whether they require additional features. It is calculated by aggregating the data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Feature Request Log Score: When customers want more functionality from your product to accomplish their tasks, they log feature requests.
    • For example, let's consider a customer who has requested 5 new features while currently using 15 features of your product. In this case, they need a total of 15+5 = 20 features to fulfill their requirements. Your product currently provides them with 15/20 = 75% of what they need.
    • Now, let's compare this to another customer who is asking for 10 features but is already using 90 features of your product. This customer needs a total of 10+90 = 100 features. You are providing them with 90/100 = 90% of what they need. Clearly, the first customer is more in need of your assistance.
    • The Feature Request Log Score indicates how well the features align with your customers' current needs. A higher score means they have all the necessary features to perform their work.
    • ZapScale analyzes the customer health group and ranks each customer based on their feature fitment from high to low.
  2. Feature Request Resolution Score: Customer satisfaction is higher when all their logged features are resolved.
    • For instance, a customer who has had 75% of their features resolved is clearly happier than someone whose only 25% of features have been addressed. This score evaluates the percentage of resolved features for each customer and ranks them within their respective customer health group.
    • For each customer, the Feature Request Score is the weighted average of all the scores. The same customer health group ranking is applied. This score indicates how your customers perceive your ticketing performance.

These scores are 100% out-of-the-box, eliminating the need for any configuration. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences. The scores are computed daily using the last 90 days' rolling data.

For example, the score of May 1st will consider data from the period of February 1st to April 30th. They are then aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, providing comprehensive insights into customer satisfaction over time.

The Billing and Invoice Score provides insights into the payment discipline of your customers' subscriptions, indicating their financial health.

It is calculated by aggregating the data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. % of Payments Full and On-time: A healthy customer pays their invoices in full and on time. If this is not happening, it raises a red flag.

    This KPI evaluates all the raised invoices and checks if all dues are paid in full and on time.

    The customers are then ranked within their respective customer health group based on this indicator.

  2. % of Dues Cleared: A healthy customer should not have any overdue payments.

    For example, a customer with only 10% of their payments overdue is in a better position than someone with 50% of their dues still pending.

    This KPI examines the percentage of outstanding dues and ranks customers within their customer health group accordingly.

  3. % of Bills as Bad Debt Candidates: Typically, any invoice with an aging of 90+ days is considered a bad debt candidate.

    This KPI assesses the aging of all invoices and calculates the percentage of invoices that are overdue by 90+ days.

    For instance, a customer with 50% of their invoices past due for 90+ days is in a worse situation compared to someone with only 10% of their invoices in the same category.

    The percentage of bad debt candidates is then evaluated and customers are ranked within their customer health group.

Finally, for each customer, the Billing and Invoice Score is derived as the weighted average of all the individual scores. The ranking within the customer health group is then applied. The resulting score provides insights into how customers perceive your Billing and Invoice performance.

These scores are provided out-of-the-box, requiring no additional configuration. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences. The scores are computed daily using the last 90 days' rolling data. For example, the score of May 1st will consider data from February 1st to April 30th. They are then aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, providing a comprehensive overview of customer billing and invoice performance over time.

The Email and Communication Score evaluates the strength of your communication touchpoints with your customers.

It is calculated by aggregating the data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Communication Frequency Score This score measures the frequency and consistency of communication with the customer.

    For example, a customer who consistently sends 5 emails per week (with an average of 5 and a standard deviation of 0) is considered better in terms of communication than someone who sends 5 emails per week but with significant ups and downs (with an average of 5 and a standard deviation of 4.42).

    By considering the average and standard deviation, the customer's Communication Frequency Score is calculated.

    This KPI assesses the volume and consistency of customer engagement and ranks customers within their respective customer health group based on this score.

  2. Number of Days Customer is Out of Communication Touch This KPI examines the duration since the customer last communicated with you. A low score indicates that the communication channels are still open.

    For instance, a customer who has been out of touch for 90 days is of more concern than someone who was in touch just 7 days ago.

    This KPI evaluates the number of days without communication from the customer and ranks customers within their customer health group accordingly.

Finally, for each customer, the Email and Communication Score is derived as the weighted average of all the individual scores. The ranking within the customer health group is then applied. The resulting score provides insights into how customers perceive your communication and email engagement.

These scores are provided out-of-the-box, requiring no additional configuration. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences. The scores are computed daily using the last 90 days' rolling data. For example, the score of May 1st will consider data from February 1st to April 30th. They are then aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, providing a comprehensive overview of customer communication performance over time.

The Upsell Score assesses how likely a customer is to engage in an upsell opportunity. Generally, a customer who is more likely to upsell is considered a valuable customer.

It is calculated by aggregating the data for the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

  1. Upsell Readiness - % of Subscription Limit Used: This KPI measures the extent to which a customer has utilized their subscription limit.

    For example, if a plan offers a limit of 10 users, 100 GB of storage, or 1000 orders per month (ZapScale is flexible for any type of limit), a customer who has used 95% of the limit is closer to an upsell opportunity compared to someone who has only utilized 70%.

    This KPI indicates the readiness for upselling.

  2. Upsell Readiness - Growth % of Subscription: This KPI examines the growth rate of a customer's subscription.

    For instance, consider two customers on a plan with a limit of 25 users. One customer has increased their user count from 10 to 20 within one month, indicating a monthly growth rate of 100%. Another customer has consistently maintained 20 users without any growth, resulting in a monthly growth rate of 0%. The customer with a higher growth rate is more likely to exhaust the limit of 25 users sooner and therefore has a higher potential for an upsell opportunity.

    This KPI is another parameter that highlights upsell readiness.

  3. Upsell Tailwind - % of Decision Makers in Good Health: When initiating an upsell, the support of decision makers within the customer's organization is crucial.

    This KPI assesses the percentage of decision makers who are in good health, indicating their positive stance towards an upsell.

    A higher percentage implies better prospects for upselling.

  4. Upsell Tailwind - % of Influencers in Good Health: Similarly, the support of influencers within the customer's organization is vital for a successful upsell.

    This KPI evaluates the percentage of influencers who are in good health, indicating their positive stance towards an upsell.

    A higher percentage signifies favorable conditions for upselling.

Finally, for each customer, the Upsell Score is determined as the weighted average of all the individual scores. The ranking within the customer health group is then applied, providing a measure of how likely a customer is to engage in an upsell opportunity.

These scores are provided out-of-the-box, requiring no additional configuration. However, you have the flexibility to customize them according to your preferences. The scores are computed daily and aggregated on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis, allowing you to monitor the likelihood of upsell opportunities over different timeframes.

The Customer Success (CS) team engages with customers and often gathers valuable insights that cannot always be quantified. These intuitive observations play a significant role and should be considered when evaluating a customer's overall health.

The CS Team Gut Feel Score provides an opportunity for Customer Success Managers (CSMs) to contribute their intuition to the customer health scoring process by rating it on a scale of 0-100. This allows their valuable insights to be incorporated into the assessment of a customer's well-being.

Certainly! With ZapScale, you have the flexibility to extend the existing set of 40 pre-built KPIs and incorporate additional health parameters to suit your specific needs.

To create a custom health KPI, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Give your custom KPI a name that reflects its purpose.
  2. Choose the data source from the integrated apps or utilize an API to send data directly to ZapScale. Alternatively, you can upload CSV files containing the relevant data.
  3. Define the scoring formula for your custom KPI. You can leverage the pre-built formulas provided by ZapScale to create the scoring mechanism that aligns with your requirements.
  4. Once you have defined the custom KPI and its scoring formula, ZapScale takes care of comparing the scores within the customer health group and assigning percentile scores automatically.

If you need assistance in creating custom health KPIs or have any further queries, our team is readily available to provide the necessary support. Feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

ZapScale's comprehensive set of 40 health check KPIs serves as the cornerstone for churn prediction. Through the power of AI, ZapScale learns the historical patterns of each KPI's behavior over time for customers who have churned. It identifies distinct patterns for each individual KPI.

For instance, ZapScale's AI can recognize patterns such as declining product usage, increasing ticket volumes, or late payments as indicators of potential customer churn. By comparing the trends of each customer's KPIs with these established churn patterns, ZapScale determines whether a customer poses a churn threat.

In the example mentioned above, if a customer exhibits a product usage trend that aligns with the churn pattern of declining product usage, ZapScale identifies a probability of churn for that customer. Similarly, if another customer demonstrates matches with two patterns—falling product usage and late payments—ZapScale concludes that the second customer poses a higher churn threat compared to the first customer, who only matches with one pattern.

This approach parallels how doctors assess patients in critical care. When a patient displays a decline in blood oxygen levels alongside increasing inflammation markers, doctors conclude that the patient has a higher risk of mortality than another patient who only exhibits rising inflammation markers but maintains a stable blood oxygen level.

Likewise, think of ZapScale's 40 health KPIs as analogous to this medical assessment. Each KPI learns and identifies churn patterns, and ZapScale analyzes the KPI trends of all customers to detect the presence of pattern matches. A higher number of matches indicates a greater likelihood of churn for a given customer.

A segment refers to a logical grouping of customers to maintain together. Customers can be segmented based on several criteria:

  1. Customer health group: Segmenting based on whether they are in the trial phase, onboarding phase, or steady usage phase.
  2. Annual Contract Value (ACV): Segmenting based on the value of their annual contract.
  3. Location: Segmenting based on the geographical location of the customers.
  4. Subscription plan: Segmenting based on the specific subscription plan they have.
  5. Number of users: Segmenting based on the number of users associated with each customer.
  6. Time-based cohorts: Segmenting based on the specific week, month, or quarter when they started using the product.
  7. Product usage: Segmenting based on which specific products or features of your offering they use.

Users can also be segmented based on their roles within the customer organization. Different roles such as decision makers, influencers, and normal users can be assigned to customers to identify the importance of certain individuals within the customer base.

Here are three ways to import your product data into ZapScale and create custom health Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  1. API Integration: Use ZapScale's simple and straightforward APIs to send data from any source.
    • The API payload consists of key-value pairs, such as Character_Name = "Harry Potter," Account_Balance = "$1000," and Customer = "JK Rowling." ZapScale can process this data and identify the relationships between different data points based on the Customer field.
    • Leverage these data points to create your custom KPIs within ZapScale.
  2. CSV Upload: Alternatively, you can upload your data through a CSV file.
    • Ensure the file includes columns for Customer, Character_Name, and Account_Balance. For example, the CSV may contain entries for JK Rowling, Harry Potter, and 1000, as well as JK Rowling, Hermione Granger, and 5000.
    • ZapScale will recognize the associations between data points under the Customer field, allowing you to utilize them for creating custom KPIs.
  3. CRM and App Integration: ZapScale seamlessly integrates with various CRM systems and other applications.
    • By setting up custom objects and fields in your CRM, such as Character_Name and Account_Balance, ZapScale can automatically pull this data during the integration process. This ensures that the data points related to a specific customer, like JK Rowling, are captured accurately.
    • Leverage these integrated data points to create custom KPIs within ZapScale.

By offering multiple options for importing data, ZapScale empowers you to create tailored KPIs based on your specific needs and data sources. Choose the method that best suits your workflow and start unlocking valuable insights with ZapScale.

Integrating your SaaS product with ZapScale to enable the creation of product usage health metrics is a simple process. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Copy and paste ZapScale's JavaScript code: Obtain the unique JavaScript code from ZapScale and paste it into your product's codebase. Ensure that the code is implemented on every page of your application, including the login page.
  2. Initialize variables in the JavaScript code: Your tech team can initialize specific variables within the JavaScript code using session objects. These variables should include the customer's ID, customer's name, user's ID, user's name, user's email, user's role ID, user's role name, and any additional unique identifiers if available. This initialization process should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Once the integration is in place, ZapScale will start capturing data on the features and events your customers and users interact with, as well as the time they spend on your product and the pages they visit.

This valuable data will be utilized to generate the product usage health KPIs. By leveraging these metrics, you can gain visibility and valuable insights into the health and usage patterns of your customers and users.

ZapScale integrations are super simple. In most cases ZapScale just needs your various apps’ API keys and the apps get integrated. However, what makes ZapScale’s integration unique is:

  1. Custom mapping: ZapScale offers a unique integration approach that provides flexibility in mapping fields according to your preferences. Unlike other tools, you are not limited to a rigid basic mapping. You have the freedom to choose how fields are mapped, ensuring a tailored integration experience.
  2. Support for custom fields: ZapScale's integration extends to any custom fields created within the tool you wish to integrate. This means that you can seamlessly incorporate and utilize data from custom fields in your workflows and processes.
  3. No unique key requirement: Unlike many integration solutions, ZapScale does not require a unique key for matching customers across different tools. It leverages built-in matchers such as ID, unique ID, email, name, domain, location, and mobile number. By identifying common matching values, ZapScale automatically maps customers across integrated tools, simplifying the integration process.

With ZapScale's integrations, you can harness the power of various tools while enjoying the flexibility of custom mapping and support for custom fields. This seamless integration experience enables you to streamline data management and unlock valuable insights across your customer success operations.

ZapScale integrates with the most popular CRMs - Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zoho. If you want a certain CRM integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

ZapScale allows you to pull in data in any form from your CRM. You may have created custom objects and custom fields to support your business. You can pull them into ZapScale through the integration and use those datapoints for segmenting your customers and users too. You can also pull in these custom data points to create your own custom health KPIs.

ZapScale integrates with the most popular ticketing tools - Hubspot, Freshdesk, Zohodesk, Zendesk, JIRA, etc. If you want a certain integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

ZapScale allows you to pull in data in any form from your ticketing app. You may have created custom objects and custom fields to support your business. You can pull them into ZapScale through the integration and use those datapoints for segmenting your customers and users too. You can also pull in these custom data points to create your own custom health KPIs.

ZapScale integrates with the most popular feature request management tools - Hubspot, Freshdesk, Zohodesk, Zendesk, JIRA etc. If you want a certain integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

ZapScale allows you to pull in data in any form from your ticketing app. You may have created custom objects and custom fields to support your business. You can pull them into ZapScale through the integration and use those datapoints for segmenting your customers and users too. You can also pull in these custom data points to create your own custom health KPIs.

ZapScale integrates with the most popular emailing apps - GMail, Outlook, etc. If you want a certain integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

ZapScale allows you to pull in email data in any form from your emailing app.

ZapScale integrates with the most popular Subscrition and Billing tools - Stripe, Zohobooks, Chargebee,  etc. If you want a certain integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

ZapScale allows you to pull in data in any form from your Subscrition and Billing app. You may have created custom objects and custom fields to support your business. You can pull them into ZapScale through the integration and use those datapoints for segmenting your customers and users too. You can also pull in these custom data points to create your own custom health KPIs.

If you do not want to integrate your apps or you don’t see your apps in the list of apps ZapScale integrates with, don’t worry you can still use ZapScale.

You can send data to ZapScale through our open APIs.

You can also send data to ZapScale through periodic CSV file uploads.

ZapScale needs data from your product to build the product usage health KPIs. So, it is important to integrate this source of data. Insights from your product is the most important as the customer is with you because of your product. Understanding your customer product behaviour will help ZapScale give you accurate analysis.

If you want a certain integration, reach out to us at and we will add that to our pipeline.

You can send data to ZapScale through our open APIs.

You can also send data to ZapScale through periodic CSV file uploads.

Visit our integration page to look at the current available integrations and future integrations. Here is link to the page

The simple answer is "no." However, if you are interested in a more detailed technical explanation of how ZapScale's product tracking works and why it doesn't introduce any performance overhead, please continue reading.

ZapScale's JavaScript code is approximately 10 KB in size, which means it doesn't impose any significant load on your web page. When the JavaScript code is initially loaded, it is downloaded from ZapScale servers and cached locally. This initial download is around 200 KB, so it may take approximately 0.5 seconds to complete. However, subsequent visits benefit from the locally cached JavaScript file, resulting in a negligible delay of around 0.03 milliseconds, which is imperceptible to human users.

All of ZapScale's JavaScript operations occur on a separate parallel thread, ensuring they do not interfere with the main execution thread. As users and customers interact with your product, ZapScale's JavaScript code records this data in a local memory buffer. When a user triggers a page change or the buffer size exceeds 50 KB, ZapScale's JavaScript code initiates a call to ZapScale servers to transmit the accumulated data. This call is executed on a parallel thread and is designed as a beacon call, meaning it does not wait for any acknowledgment from the ZapScale server.

These optimizations contribute to the exceptional speed and efficiency of ZapScale's JavaScript implementation.

You should not need any ongoing technical help from your tech team to run ZapScale. Once you have integrated your product, CRM, ticketing app, feature request app, billing and subscription app, email and comms app - everything can be managed, tweaked, configured by your CS team. And where ever help needed our CS and support team will be available 24X7.

At ZapScale, we prioritize the utmost importance of security and privacy. We have implemented several measures to ensure the protection of your data. Here's an overview:

  1. SOC2 - Type II Compliance:

    ZapScale adheres to the industry-standard SOC2 - Type II compliance. SOC2 compliance is an audit report that evaluates the effectiveness of an organization's information security policies and procedures. It demonstrates that ZapScale has implemented the necessary controls to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its systems and data. Our SOC2 report provides assurance to our customers, partners, and regulators regarding the adequacy of our security controls. You can access our SOC2 report for further details.

  2. VAPT Assessment:

    ZapScale undergoes Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) assessments. VAPT is a comprehensive approach to testing the security of our information systems and networks. It involves identifying potential security weaknesses through techniques like scanning, testing, and analysis of system configurations, security policies, and processes.

    Vulnerability assessment aims to provide a comprehensive report outlining potential security risks and vulnerabilities in the system or network. Penetration testing, on the other hand, involves simulated attacks to determine the effectiveness of existing security controls in place.

    VAPT combines both vulnerability assessment and penetration testing to provide a comprehensive security assessment. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities, assess potential security risks, and provide recommendations for remediation, thereby enhancing our overall security posture and protecting against cyber threats.

  3. GDPR Compliance:

    ZapScale is fully compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR is a data privacy and protection regulation adopted by the European Union (EU) in 2016 and enforced since May 25th, 2018.

    It applies to any organization, regardless of location, that processes personal data of individuals within the EU. Personal data includes information that can identify a person, such as their name, address, email address, and IP address.

    GDPR requires organizations to obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data. It mandates organizations to provide clear and transparent information about the purpose and methods of data processing.

    Individuals have rights to access, correct, and erase their personal data, as well as the right to restrict processing and data portability. Organizations have a legal obligation to protect personal data through appropriate technical and organizational measures. GDPR also necessitates organizations to report any data breaches within 72 hours of discovery.

At ZapScale, we place a strong emphasis on security and privacy to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your data.

ZapScale uses Microsoft Azure Cloud. It has 99.95% availability guarantee. ZapScale’s data centres are in USA.

In addition to the current feature set here to view the list of features), ZapScale has exciting plans to introduce the following features in the near future:

  1. Customer-Facing Dashboard:
    • A dedicated dashboard that enables collaboration between you and your customers.
    • Enhances communication and facilitates a shared understanding of what is working well and areas that require attention.
    • Provides a centralized location for your customers to see the benefits they derive from your product.
  2. Customizable CS Team Dashboard:
    • Empowers your customer success (CS) team to create personalized reports, graphs, and charts for enhanced reporting.
    • Offers flexibility in presenting data in a way that aligns with your team's specific requirements and preferences.
  3. Integration with Gong, Chorus, and Google Calendar:
    • Seamlessly integrates ZapScale with popular platforms such as Gong, Chorus, and Google Calendar.
    • Enhances productivity and streamlines workflows by syncing important data and activities across systems.
  4. NPS and CSAT Surveys:
    • Allows your CS team to configure and trigger in-product Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys.
    • Enables you to gather valuable feedback directly from your customers and gauge their satisfaction levels.
  5. Customer Campaigns from ZapScale:
    • Offers the capability to run customer campaigns directly within ZapScale.
    • Facilitates targeted outreach and engagement initiatives to drive customer success and satisfaction.

Stay tuned to the ZapScale website for announcements regarding these upcoming features, or follow our LinkedIn page to stay updated on the latest developments.

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